Avery Genetti - Portfolio


  • CafePop (in development)

    (unreleased) - CafePop is a game where you use the orb-merging suika-style gameplay you're familiar with to create desserts for the customers of a bakery cafe. Try to serve everyone before they leave in frustration!

    Tools: Godot

    Gameplay screenshot of my game Cafepop
  • Music Orb Game (Prototype)

    (2020) - My first project in Unity! This prototype is a 3D game where you collect musical orbs to make something magical happen.

    Tools: Unity, Ableton Live, various Unity Store assets

  • Monome Rhythm Game (Prototype)

    (2019) - This was my attempt at making a game like Beatmania for the Monome Grid, running off the Monome Norns processing module.

    Tools: Monome Grid, Monome Norns, JS, Node

  • Sweet Danger (Prototype/demo)

    (2018) - Another vertical shmup project - this game features a color-swapping mechanic.

    Tools: Game Maker Studio 2, Aseprite, Ableton Live

  • Danmaku Kingdom (Ludum Dare 41 Entry)

    (2018) - This was one of my earlier attempts at making a PC game; an entry to the Ludum Dare 41 game jam with a genre-mashup theme. This game was an attempt at mixing RPG and Shmup elements to match the theme of "combine two incompatible genres". The music was provided by Ben Burnes.

    Tools: Game Maker Studio 2, Aseprite, drawing tablet

    Title screen of Danmaku KingdomGameplay shot of Danmaku Kingdom
  • Monome Shooter

    (2017) - This is a simple vertical shmup for Monome 256 that I made after completing Tetris; it has music, sound effects, the ability to destroy enemies, and even player damage that visibly deformed the player ship. The music and sounds were borrowed from Solar Striker for Game Boy.

    Tools: Monome 256, JS, node

  • Monome Tetris

    (2017) - This was my attempt at implementing Tetris on the Monome 256 grid controller. It was fully playable, with a next-piece feature, instant drops, line-clears, and game-over states.

    Tools: Monome 256, JS, node